Highlights from 2016 – 4th Quarter

Top Question

Who created the Secret Stairs as a way into Mordor and for what purpose? asked by Default_User with a score of 113. Runner up was Why would Snape set his office password to ‘Dumbledore’? asked by The Dark Lord with a score of 97.

profile for default-user at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for the-dark-lord at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Top Viewed

Who was the mentioned jedi in the Rogue One movie? with 38438 views asked by Sebustyan. Runner up was Why were there no Bothans in Rogue One? with 25410 views asked by Vince Scalia.

profile for sebustyan at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for vince-scalia at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Top Answer

Adamant answered the highest voted answer to the question If Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard (allegedly), why would he work at a glorified boarding school? Is there a role with more responsibility? with a score of 184. The runner up was Victim Of Circumstance, who answered How is Shelob’s name known? with a score of 167.

profile for adamant at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for victim-of-circumstance at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Top Controversial

Santa’s Omniscience in “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”, with 9 down votes to its 12 up votes. Asked by Clint Eastwood with no accepted answer.

profile for clint-eastwood at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts


There were 48 bounties awarded for a total of 4650 rep.

User Favorites

There were no submitted user favorites. Must have been a bad quarter.

Question of the Week

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