Highlights from 2018 – 4th Quarter


Top Question:

The top question was What prevents Asimov’s robots from locking all humans in padded cells for the humans protection? asked by budgiebeaks with the highest voted answer by PMar.

profile for budgiebeaks at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for pmar at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Top Answer:

Mike Scott had the highest voted answer of the quarter for the question Why did Aragorn call this stranger father? asked by the-profile-that-was-promised.

profile for mike-scott at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for the-profile-that-was-promised at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Most Viewed

How did Thanos beat Hulk so easily? had the highest views at 27931 asked by KyloRen.

profile for kyloren at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Most Controversial

Looking for a sci-fi/fantasy series of novels from 80’s involving tripods that cap children on the 13-14th birthday to control their minds asked by Derrk Miller with 15 up-votes and 8 down-votes.

profile for derrek-miller at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts


There were 25 bounties awarded for a total of 6200 rep (that’s slang for reputation, the currency and life-blood of Stack Exchange). A significant amount of that was from CreationEdge.

Blog Posts


What We Can Expect From 2019

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse in 100 words or less – Spoiler Free


Ralph Breaks the Internet Review in 100 Words or Less – Spoiler-Free

Highlights from 2018 – 3rd Quarter

Apparently there were no posts in October

User Picks

profile for valorum at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts


I quite liked this pair of questions by user Dakkaron

I expected the ratio of genuine vs. deceptive to be very different based on my recollection.


I thought my answers to these were nicely comprehensive

And I honestly feel like this answer deserves a special mention since I staked out a ‘furry’ chatroom for nearly a month waiting for the author to turn up, then finally managed to catch him at 4am on a school night.

profile for niffler at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts



profile for the-profile-that-was-promised at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

I read Lord of the Rings recently. These questions were bothering my curiosity very much.

Why didn’t Saruman break Gandalf’s staff on Orthanc as Gandalf broke Saruman’s?

Why didn’t Galadriel take off her ring?

profile for jenayah at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts


Revision history

Seriously, hat down to Looking for a late 1950s to early 1960s movie or TV show with some similarities to “The Zanti Misfits”. I honestly haven’t even read past the first few revisions; but each new edit still makes me chuckle – this post just keeps getting longer and longer, probably one of the longest posts on SFF. Will that ever stop? (yes, I know of the 30k word limit, but still)


profile for kevin at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts


These copyright questions were rather interesting to read. I hope we see more of these “behind the scenes” questions in 2019:


Near miss

Question of the Week

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