Highlights from 2019 – 2nd Quarter


Top Question:

The top question was “Did Darth Vader wear the same suit for 20+ years?” asked by Thunderforge and answered by Nolimon.

profile for thunderforge at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for nolimon at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Top Viewed:

The most viewed question (with 42365 at within the time-frame) was “Is 3000 a reference to Iron Man in the comics?” asked by Chipster and answered by Jenayah.

profile for chipster at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for jenayah at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Top Answered:

The top answer was actually a tie with a score of 148 on the questions “Who is “He that flies” in Lord of the Rings?” asked by klaus and answered by Andres F. and “Why did other houses not demand this?” asked by HBhatia and answered by user568458.

profile for klaus at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for andres-f at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for hbhatia at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for user568458 at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Most Controversial:

Movie about a boy who was born old and grew young” asked by THE EPIC GUY and answered by Valorum. It had an up score of 24, but a down score of 14.

profile for the-epic-guy at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for valorum at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts


There were 35 bounties awards for 4500 rep.

Blog Posts


Men in Black: International a Spoiler Free Review


Why Harry Potter is Not a Horcrux

Jack’s Bad Movies: Predator 2 (1990)


FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention (Spring 2019)

Avengers: Endgame Predictions

Highlights from 2019 – 1st Quarter

Jack’s Bad Movies: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

User Picks

profile for jontia at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Reflected-sound-of-underground-spirits A puzzle that brings back old memories, but one I can’t remember if I solved or had the answer handed to me.

Question of the Week

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