The Great Science-Fiction/Fantasy TV Showdown: Final Round

Welcome to the final round of the Great Science-Fiction/Fantasy TV Showdown! Round 4 went very well, with a full 40 people participating.

Here are the results from Round 4. The bolded numbers give the scores.

  1. Star Trek: The Next Generation made it to the final frontier by beating Daredevil. 28/11
  2. “Thor taught us to have no fear of death! But what did he teach you of pain?” Stargate: SG-1 lost to Firefly. 25/12
  3. “You don’t know the Bat. He don’t let up! He’s the dark angel of death, man, and he wants me!” Batman: The Animated Series beat Futurama. 19/14

And now, on to the Final Round of the Great Science-Fiction/Fantasy TV Showdown! This round will be a little different from previous ones. Members must vote for one of the three shows. Whichever show get the most votes is the final winner of the event.





To vote in the Final Round, just click here.

Remember, you can also chat about all aspects of the competition here!



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