HBO’s Westworld

IMDB’s description.

Set at the intersection of the near future and the [re-imagined] past, explore a world in which every human appetite can be indulged without consequence.

Westworld, a series on HBO, is set in a future where robots are made, not to serve humanity, but to serve our amusements and sadistic impulses. A western themed park allows you to live life as a cowboy, visit saloons, and kill with wanton abandon. But only as long as you kill the robots which are mostly indistinguishable from humans. This answers the age-old question of “would it be immoral to abuse your unfeeling robot slave?” The answer is yes. 

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Jack’s Bad Movies: Doom Annihilation (2019)

IMDB’s Description

Follows a group of UAC Marines as they respond to a distress call from a top secret scientific base on Phobos, a Martian moon, only to discover it's been overrun by demons who threaten to create Hell on Earth.

This movie is essentially Aliens around a somewhat loose Doom theme. You can see that just from the description.


  • Marines wake up from cryogenic sleep
  • One of the marines is a coward and whines a lot
  • There is a fusion reactor on the verge of exploding
  • Most of the marines are cannon fodder

Ways in which the movie is totally different

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Loop – The Distress Call. A science-fiction game that pays homage to science fiction and narrative games

Loop is an interactive science fiction story that unfolds through dialogue and choices made in real-time. We’ve combined the best elements of video games and sci-fi novels to create a futuristic, suspenseful, thrilling, and immersive experience unlike any other mobile game out there.

When we started working on Loop, all we had in mind at the time was a genre: “visual/interactive novel.” One of the stories in the sci-fi/fantasy anthology I’d just finished producing with some friends was a psychological thriller set in space called “Loop” (available through DragonScript); told from the perspective of an unnamed Ensign in a series of journal-like entries and reports. Drawing inspiration from a text-based game called Lifeline— and our collective long history of hours logged on old-school MUDs and complex, story-centric games like Mass Effect— the beginnings of Loop were established. We just didn’t know exactly where it would take us.

mass effect 3The game trilogy that influenced Loop – The distress call
Credit: BioWare

Through nearly five years of writing, development, brainstorming, and creating in-game systems from scratch, we’ve crafted a game that’s evolved into something far more than the simple, text-based sci-fi MUD we originally thought Loop would be. There’s an entire universe fleshed out and presented in trappings both familiar and unknown; with technologies and dilemmas that seem frighteningly possible within the near future.

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Highlights from 2019 – 4th Quarter


Top Question and Answer:

The top question also has the top voted answer. It was Why did George Lucas set Star Wars in the past instead of the future? asked by TheAsh says Reinstate Monica and answered by Valorum.

profile for stormblessed at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for raj at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Top Viewed:
The top viewed question was Do Mandalorians truly never remove their helmets? which was asked and answered by JakeGould

profile for stormblessed at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Most Controversial:
The most controversial question of the quarter was Which predictions of The Rise of Skywalker: Darths & Droids Bingo were correct? asked by b_jonas and answered by Adamant.

profile for stormblessed at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for raj at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

There were 20 bounties awards for 3325 rep.

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