Top Stats
The question with the highest votes was Is there a Vulcan funeral blessing? asked by Iszi.
The two questions with the most views (by a narrow margin of 200 some odd views between them) were Why is ‘Belgium’ the rudest word in Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? and Why do people risk death by joining Starfleet if not for money or preservation of their homes? asked by Dries and Emissarry respectably.
The top voted answer was user42365‘s answer to Is there a Vulcan funeral blessing?. Second place was phantom42‘s answer to Why did Peter Quill wait 26 years to open his mother’s gift?
Top User Picks
SSumner is like, totally, obsessed with Star Wars.
They liked the questions:
- Why did Red Squadron give their call signs in random order?
- Why did Jango Fett have a son via cloning instead of through natural reproductive processes?
They liked the answers:
- How big is the Executor, based only on film evidence
- During the war of the ring did Sauron or Saruman actually win any major battles? – which has over 100 more votes than the accepted answer.
Richard liked the following questions:
- Why didn’t the machine kill Neo after he was ejected?
- Why do people risk death by joining Starfleet if not for money or preservation of their homes?
- Did Darth Vader ever talk to R2-D2 again?
And my answers to them weren’t half bad, either, if I can toot my own trumpet.
Darth Melkor liked the top voted question, Richard’s answer to the Neo question, additionally:
- his own answer to Why would the elves help destroy the One Ring?
- and the question How big is the Death Star compared to the Executor which is similar but different to the Executor size question.
On the Neo question he said:
Richard got an awesome answer to this one precisely one minute before I did, and did a much better job of it than I did too, so it’s worth a shout-out
Author Picks
If I had to choose my favorite questions (which I don’t, but I will) they would be:
- What did Adventures of Superman use from the comics and what was later added from the series?
- Why No Traditional Villains in Adventures of Superman?
- Where did the original Enterprise bridge sounds come from?
All asked by Tango and answered by Jack B Nimble.
After researching the Adventures of Superman series questions for several hours everyday for five days I finally stumbled upon a book called Flights of Fantasy: The Unauthorized but True Story of Radio & TV’s Adventures of Superman, which I decided to buy on the hope of finding the answers to the two questions. Fortunately, I did.
Yeah, Star Wars!