The 13 Commandments from the TNG Bible.

Star Trek: The Next Generation had a Writer/Director’s guide, commonly referred to as the bible. Within this guide was a list of 13 things that were not to ever happen on TNG (i.e. commandments).

Here we will look at each commandment, and show when TNG maybe didn’t follow their own rules.

All blockquotes and episode details are from Memory-Alpha.

Rule #1. Stories which do not materially involve our own crew. Yes, we do like to see interesting new characters — but only when used in addition to an interesting story line involving our continuing characters.

TNG Episode 7×15 “Lower Decks”

Junior officers speculate on the reasons for recent unusual actions taken by the command crew near the Cardassian border.

This episode only has the main cast in the periphery, and focuses on four junior officers and their attempt to receive a promotion.

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On The Death of a Science Fiction Icon: A Celebration of David Bowie’s Life and Legacy

One of the greats is gone: David Bowie died on January 10, 2016. He left behind a legacy of brilliant music, groundbreaking films, and enormous contributions to the fields of science fiction and fantasy.

From his breakout hit “A Space Oddity” to his iconic concept album and persona Ziggy Stardust, and on to his Orwell-inspired masterpiece “Diamond Dogs” and beyond, his musical career, spanning nearly 50 years, defined science fiction rock and roll.

His acting performances – in “Labyrinth”, “The Man Who Fell to Earth”, “The Hunger”, “The Image”, and “Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me” (to name but a few) – mirrored the ethereal nature of his cosmic rock.

And the field of science fiction and fantasy returned the favor: as Smithsonian Magazine explains, Bowie inspired a number of characters in the genre we love so well.

In the Sandman comic book series, writer Neil Gaiman specifically based the character of Lucifer on the singer, while Batman scribe Grant Morrison later admitted to basing his version of the Joker on Bowie’s ’80s persona… Recently, the television series The Venture Brothers cast the leader of a massive super organization of super villains as a shapeshifter so inspired by Bowie that he took on the singer’s appearance.

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Highlights from 2015 – 4th Quarter

In this episode of the quarterly highlights, I go Crazy Eddie with user flair.

Top Stats:

Top Question

On Dagobah, do what, did Yoda? was asked by enderland and answered by MichaelT. To the tune of 101 votes.

profile for enderland at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for MichaelT at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Top Answer

Eowyn12 asked Harry Potter: Why 7? which was answered by rand al’thor, for 138 votes.

profile for Eowyn12 at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for rand-althor at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Most Viewed

With an astounding 192,299 views, Who was the old man at the beginning of The Force Awakens? was asked by Ivo Beckers and answered by DVK.

profile for Ivo Beckers at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for DVK at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Runner Ups

The runner up for both top question and top answer belongs to Does Katniss depict proper handling of a bow? asked by Himarm and answered by rand al’thor.

The second most viewed question, with what would normally be a very respectable 50,299 views, but looks pathetic compared to the top question, was Is there evidence to suggest that Supreme Leader Snoke is Darth Plagueis? asked by hawkeye and answered by DVK.

profile for himarm at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for Jack B Nimble at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for hawkeye at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for DVK at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

User Favorites:

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