Top Question and Answer:
The top question also has the top voted answer. It was Why did George Lucas set Star Wars in the past instead of the future? asked by TheAsh says Reinstate Monica and answered by Valorum.
Top Viewed:
The top viewed question was Do Mandalorians truly never remove their helmets? which was asked and answered by JakeGould
Most Controversial:
The most controversial question of the quarter was Which predictions of The Rise of Skywalker: Darths & Droids Bingo were correct? asked by b_jonas and answered by Adamant.
There were 20 bounties awards for 3325 rep.
Blog Posts
Highlights from 2091 – 3rd Quarter
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999) – Re-watch
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User Picks
Was Jumanji intended to be a co-op game?
Always bugged me watching the movie. It’s always nice to see lesser-asked-about series on the site, too.
Favorite Question and Answer Combo: How does AT-AT deploy troops?
Because sometimes a premise is actually as silly as we thought it was…
I have to mention this answer, to which I awarded a bounty for the first time in a few years:
Time travel to the crucifixion of Jesus and changing the past
The title describes a common enough trope (the question body has more details), but the amount of work that went into the answer is really something else:
Well, after I spent a couple of hours locating the stored boxes in the attic, unpacking them, and going through the individual issues one by one, I managed to find it (in full compliance with Murphy’s law, the sought issues were near the end of my unordered stack)…
It is a Greek translation of a novelette … originally written in Spanish … but first published in French translation … No wonder google searches went unfruitful, as it seems it has never been translated into English.
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