The Wakanda Files

Amazon’s description: 

An in-world book from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Wakanda Files—compiled by request of Shuri (Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War) as part of her quest to improve the future for all people—is a collection of papers, articles, blueprints, and notes amassed throughout history by Wakanda’s War Dogs.

The book contains pretty much all of the technology and enhancements covered in the movies up through the end of Avengers: End Game. It has reports and details as compiled and occasionally commented on by Shuri. It might be an interesting coffee table book, but I feel an avid MCU fan will not learn very much more from this book than they would have by being a keen observer of the movies. 

The most interesting part is on the closing page. 

“In less than five years, NASA went from “Little Joe II” to one giant leap for mankind and landed on the moon. In less than five years, Robert Noyce graduates from MIT, helped Kilby invent the integrated circuit, and revolutionized computing. In less than fives years, Einstein rewrote the laws of gravity, because he just didn’t think they were correct. 

And five years is the time I have missed while the world passed me by. They say that a curios mind is never still, but I have been at a complete halt. I am at a disadvantage. But I will make the most of it.” pg. 183

This observation that some breakthroughs are just five years away from making a massive change in our world using real-life examples can make a person hopeful for the advances just around the corner. 

Favorite Questions and Answers from Third Quarter 2021


Top Question

The highest voted question was In Orwell’s “1984,” what was the motivation of O’Brien, and other members of the Thought-Police, in spending so much time and effort on Winston? asked by golosovsky with no accepted answer.

profile for golosovsky at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Top Answer

The highest voted answer was to the question Why is Luna Lovegood reading this book upside-down? asked by Dexter Cole and answered by Mithical.

profile for dexter-cole at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for Mithical at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Top Viewed

The highest viewed question was Does Gandalf smell? asked by Skooba and answered by ibid.

profile for skooba at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for ibid at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

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Favorite Question and Answers from Second Quarter 2021


Top Question and Answer: 

The highest voted question was Why is there no night shift in Monsters, Inc.? asked by TheLethalCarrot with no accepted answer, although it does have the highest voted answer of the quarter by Cireo.             

profile for thelethalcarrot at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for cireo at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Most Views:

The question with the most views was If there’s only one Sacred Timeline, then why do multiple variants of Loki exist? asked by Sitesh Roy and answered by TheLethalCarrot. 

profile for sitesh-roy at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

profile for thelethalcarrot at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

Blog Posts:

Mark D. Owen’s Impact

The Death Gate Cycle

Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary: A Novel

Jack’s Bad Movies: The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power (2015)

There were no user submitted favorites for this quarter. 

Mark D. Owen’s Impact

Impact by Mark D. Owen

Amazon’s description

“We’ve found something here, something game-changing…” The explosion at the International Space Station (ISS) forever changed the direction of inventor Tamarind Chase’s life. His life mission was to mine asteroids, but when the accident triggers an expanding debris field it strands the scientists at Moonbase Verity including the friend that once saved his life. He must find a way to rescue them and empower the secret they have discovered.

“Impact” is the first book in The Pan Nationals series about a group of leaders trained to solve intractable world problems. But what happens when the problems come from beyond our world?

Impact is engaging, well-written, and offers a compelling story set in the near future. 

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