Top Question:
With a score of 133 the highest voted question was the controversial Which ship can go faster, the Millennium Falcon or the USS Enterprise? asked by g.rocket and answered by Valorum.
The second runner up was What did Frodo mean by “He told me the true story”? asked by Noosre with a score of 111.
Top Answer:
The top answer with a score of 202 was from Daniel Roseman to the question Identify a movie in which aliens believed a sci-fi TV show to be true documentary asked by I Love You.
Top Viewed:
The most viewed question, with 22517 views, was What did Darth Vader mean by “There’ll be no one to stop us this time.” Who had “stopped” Vader—or the Empire—previously? asked by JakeGould and answered by Nathan.
Most Controversial:
The most controversial questions were Which ship can go faster, the Millennium Falcon or the USS Enterprise?, Did Luke really not know about Mos Eisley spaceport in the original “Star Wars” (1977) film? and What was the value of the Shire and everything in it?
Bounties Awarded:
9100 rep was awarded from 46 different people, which is an average of 197 rep per person.