Help Keep The SFF Blog Running

It’s about time for annual bills for running to start coming in.

These costs are all privately funded by CreationEdge (Grayson Lei

gh), and he’s started a GoFundMe to help offset some of those costs.

Check out the GoFundMe here:

Now, to be clear, the continued existence of is not dependent upon the fundraiser meeting its goal. It’s merely an easy, transparent way for readers to help with costs. There’s no expectations attached. And there will _never_ be ads used to offset costs.

For ease of reading, the full text of the fundraiser is below.

Update: 2020 is fully funded, and use of funds are tracked on the Funding Paper Trail page. Donations are being accepted for future costs, but at the current moment I encourage people to donate to another cause, such as Australian Wildfire Relief, Puerto Rico Earthquake Recovery, a creator’s Patreon/Ko-Fi, etc.

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Mike Needs a New Set of Lungs

Update -> Unfortunately, while KutuluMike was able to get the lung transplant that he needs, he passed away about 1.5 years later due during the Covid-19 pandemic (although not due to Covid-19). He was remembered by friends on the Meta post KutuluMike (Michael Edenfield) has passed away.

Our very own KutuluMike needs to have both of his lungs replaced due to a severe lung disease. No one expects you to donate your lungs for this (in all likelyhood, you are currently using yours), and for whatever reason, he is only willing to accept human lungs (picky much?). However, he does have a Go Fund Me account where he is hoping to get money which will help sustain him after he gets a transplant. The money would go towards insurance, medical, and pharmaceutical costs. If you are able to contribute please do.

Go Fund Me <– click here to donate.

profile for kutulumikeat Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

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